Londa , mācību centrs - Jūrmala

Adrese: Jomas iela 66, Jūrmala, LV-2015, Latvija.
Telefons: 67761243.

Ekspertīze: -.

Atsauksmes: Šim uzņēmumam ir 15 atsauksmes Google My Business.
Vidējais novērtējums: 2.8/5.

📌 Atrašanās vieta šim Londa , mācību centrs

Londa, mācību centrs ir vieta, kurā mācības tiecas būt ātrām, efektīvām un interesantām. Šis centrs atrodas Jomas ielā 66, Jūrmalā, LV-2015, Latvijā, tātad tas ir ļoti iespējamains vieta, lai apmeklētu, ja viesojat Jūrmalā. Lai sazinātos ar Londa, mācību centru, var izmantot tālu 67761243.

Londa, mācību centrs piedāvā dažādas specializāces, kuras tapis izvēlēties, atkarībā no to prasībām un vajadzībām. Ekspertīze: -.

Izejot no Londa, mācību centra izvietojuma, tas ir vienkārši sasniegts ar publiskajā transportu vai automašīnu. Tā karte un vadošie norādījumi ir labi izvietoti telpās, lai nodrošinātu, ka manāmā personam var sasniegt mācību centru bez grūtībām.

Atsauksmes: Šim uzņēmumam ir 15 atsauksmes Google My Business. Vidējais novērtējums: 2.8/5.

Papildu informāciju par Londa, mācību centru, iespējams iegūt no personālā saskaņā ar to, kas pieejams šajā vietnē.

Lai sumārzinātos par Londa, mācību centra iespējām, vēloties apmeklēt to vai sazinoties ar to pa tālruni, ir iespēja iegūt kopīgu uzskatu par to darbību un sniegumu. Visticamāk, to patīkami apmeklēt un iespējams iegūt vērtīgas zināšanas, ātrumu un efektivitāti.

Rekomendācija: Ja vēlaties iegūt patīkamu un efektīvu mācību pieredzi, Londa, mācību centrs ir vieta, ko vērt vajadzībām pārskatīt. Iesakiet apmeklēt to Jūrmalā, un izvēliesies no dažādiem mācību programmu.

👍 Atsauksmes par šo Londa , mācību centrs

Londa , mācību centrs - Jūrmala
Ilze K.


Londa , mācību centrs - Jūrmala
Юля ?.

Мат вместо тысячи слов!
Все грязно, воняет, матрасы все засаны в пятнах,все двери на перекос и не закрываются, все трещит.
Лучше дикарями на пляже уже чем в таком сарае🤢

Londa , mācību centrs - Jūrmala
Jean C.

There were 34 of us needing accommodation in Jurmala in September 2017 and this accommodation looked like the perfect choice, but it is not. The price was reasonable and the location was very central. Unfortunately, no one associated with the accommodation spoke any English, meaning it was impossible to get my relatively simple questions answered. I needed to know how many beds were in each apartment and if they were singles or doubles, but all emails were unanswered. Then I phoned the number and during the phone conversation I discovered they spoke Latvian, some Russian and some German, none of which I spoke. A colleague translated a lengthy email into German for me, which also unfortunately went unanswered. I also needed to know if we could store luggage somewhere when we checked out, as our flights weren't for several hours, but could not get answers from anyone. ||||When we arrived, we discovered many eccentricities in the rooms such as a jacuzzi bath that had no shower head (in a room for 4 people), heaters that couldn't be turned off, and couch beds that smelled and looked terrible. One apartment had a clear-glassed corner shower in the kitchen, beside the front door of the apartment, the fridge and an open window looking out on to the street. Another apartment's shower is facing an un-frosted window to the outside, with no way to hide yourself from neighbours. In another apartment, when you tried to boil the kettle, all the lights went out! Another advertised "single bed" was simply a mattress stuffed onto an armchair and leaning at an angle towards the ground. Needless to say this was very uncomfortable. One apartment has a circular bed advertised for 2 people, but only if both had their feet hanging off the end of the bed - not very practical. Several people reported itching after sleeping in the beds/couches for 2 nights, I shudder to think what was biting them. Another "bedroom" had a very large hole measuring about 4ft by 3ft near the top of the wall ensuring no privacy for the occupants. Another apartment has a long boardroom table and 8 chairs, which is very strange. Several toilets were missing cistern lids, meaning to flush the toilet you had to reach into the cistern and manually press the button. The lids on several kettles didn't close, there was mould in a few fridges and showers and the whole experience was generally unsatisfactory, never mind unsanitary. ||||Unless you particularly like the sound of the accommodation above, I would recommend not staying in these apartments and I am surprised that booking.com allow such a standard of accommodation to be advertised on their site. I would expect more from such a reputable site and this option certainly didn't make the cut.

Londa , mācību centrs - Jūrmala
Hana V.

The heaters weren't working so if you are staying around fall or winter make sure that the room you'll get have its heater working. We are staying around 4 days in Jurmala, in a room for 7 persons and the owner didn't refill the toilet paper. The owners don't speak English, but that doesn't mean that they don't serve our basic needs in the room. The room was good and spacious. The kitchen in every rooms are equipped with cooking tools and utensils so you don't have to bring them yourself.

Londa , mācību centrs - Jūrmala

We got the apartment that accommodates 5. It was very basic, but clean and roomy. It is located in Jomas street, which is the town's carless center. We stayed for one night and it was functional and gave a fair value for the paid price.||Car parking is free (access from the side road).

Londa , mācību centrs - Jūrmala
anthony C.

we arrived very late after 12, a bit dificult to find the enterance as it around the back in a dark car park/yard right in the right hand corner. we meet someone at the doorway as they was waiting for us,||they was great showed us to our room didnt look the same as pictures but it was late and the also helped by ordering pizza for us as we only speak english.||they then showed me around the seperate washer room and the office room.||they left and whilst waiting for pizza we had a look around the apartment it was the sleep 5 apartment with a hot tub. which ia a jucizzi bath.||the discription is completley wrong, there is a big king bed, a bed settee think it was a double that pulled out from underneeth, and the op of the settee.||the pictures 2,3,and 4 are not of this room.||the room was dirty, dried food inside the microwave, dirty cups, dead flys in the windows, bits of food on a office chair, hairs in the bath, dirty stains on the head board, my white socks where black fron the floor, and the main bed the matress cover was covered in dirt and hairs and had a clean sheet put over the top but you could see this mess through it, we ate the pizza out of the box and drank the coke from the bottle, we sleept on top of the quilts with our daughter in the big bed with us. the shower also leaked on the floor.||there was a balcony but this was unsafe.||we called our booking agent on the night and left the next morning, ||the location was great 5 mins to beech and train station, shops and resturants just outside on the main street,||we also noticed after checking out that there is a for sale sign on the wall, so it seams that its quite run down because of this, ||our agent did call the owners who said that the apartment was cleaned before we arrived.||but we would disagree strongly. we gave this place a chance even looking at some of the older reviews but on this occation we should have belived them.

Londa , mācību centrs - Jūrmala
Lina B.

Niekada negrįžčiau ir niekam nesiūlyčiau! Tokį prastumą seniai buvau mačiusi. Baldai nudėvėti, indai nešvarus, jų trūksta. Patalyne dvokia pelėsiu, nudrengta. TV neveikia, kambariuose šaltoka. Miegamasis be durų. Į gretimą numerį buvusios durys tik užkaltos, garso izoliacijos jokios. Kiemas netvarkytas gal 10 metu. Netvarkos neatperka net sąlyginai nedidelė kaina ir gera lokacijos vieta. Ai, tiesa- vat tokio patogumo niekur nemačiau. 3 in 1: virtuve, vonia ir tualetas vienoje erdvėje... 😄

Londa , mācību centrs - Jūrmala

Positive: The location of the apartment is perfect as it is in the very centre of the main pedestrian avenue.. Negative: The apartment needs renovation. We had loud neighbours at night and could hear everything..

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